2024 Local Data Update

The One Charlotte Coordinated Entry Team has demonstrated exceptional dedication and diligence over the past quarter in assisting the most vulnerable individuals and families in Charlotte County. Our outreach initiatives have yielded significant results, allowing us to identify numerous homeless individuals and substantially reduce their length of time homeless through the application of Rapid Rehousing (RRH) funds.

Together with our partners, we have successfully secured housing for many individuals and families who have historically faced significant barriers when trying to obtain and secure safe, stable, affordable housing. This success is largely attributable to our strategic engagement with landlords and the development of strong, positive relationships with both our landlords and participants. During this period, the team has forged robust relationships with several new landlords in the area, enhancing our overall housing capabilities.

Our recent relocation to the Family Services Center has significantly improved our operational efficiency. Previously reliant on phone interactions with community partners, we now benefit from immediate access to vital information necessary to deliver comprehensive, wrap-around services to our One Charlotte Coordinated Entry participants. This move has greatly enhanced our ability to meet the complex needs of those we serve.


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