A Letter from Our CEO

I am thrilled to introduce you to the first issue of The Catalyst, our agency's newsletter. We hope this platform will keep our community connected, informed, and inspired. A catalyst is a powerful force to facilitate and accelerate changes to systems and processes. We are aware this newsletter shares the name with a much-loved local college student newspaper but decided to stand by it.

Since our inception, Gulf Coast Partnership’s vision has been clear: “Through capacity building, partnership, and technology, we bring service programs together, while focusing limited community resources on the most vulnerable populations living in the community.” Together we can thrive, grow, and prosper, raising the quality of life for all residents in our community. Every day, we are fueled by this vision to be a catalyst for meaningful change.

Reflection on Our Journey

Our journey so far has been action-packed, we started our first independent office in July of 2017 and in the six years since we have grown, adapted, and clarified our purpose. Over the past few years, we have shown our adaptability and resiliency through the COVID-19 Pandemic and Hurricane Ian. Despite the obstacles our community has collectively achieved some of our audacious goals including Effectively Ending Chronic Homelessness, activating Community Organizations Active in a Disaster (COAD) for disaster response & recovery, launching a SAMHSA Street Outreach Mental Health Team, and becoming a Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project Community from HUD. Our growth is a testament to the dedication and passion of our partner agencies, staff, board members, volunteers, donors, and the indomitable spirit of the folks we serve.

Why A Newsletter?

The idea of this newsletter emerged from the countless stories of hope, resilience, and transformation that we encounter daily. We felt it was essential to create a space where these stories could be shared and celebrated. More than just a compilation of news and updates, this newsletter is an embodiment of our shared journey, our triumphs, challenges, and learning.

We understand the importance of transparency and regular communication with our partners and hope this newsletter will serve as a consistent touchpoint, demonstrating the impact of our efforts and investments.

What's Inside?

In every issue, you can expect:

1. News: Project highlights, updates, and the tangible changes they're making.

2. System Data: Keeping an eye on what the data is telling us about the systems providing services.

3. Shining Stars: Spotlighting partner agency staff who are transforming lives through their work.

4. Youth in Action: Insights from the Youth Action Board on their bold and brilliant initiatives.

5. Events & Opportunities: Upcoming events, workshops, funding, and educational opportunities.

Looking Ahead

As we look towards the future, we are brimming with optimism and committed to the future and the countless milestones we're yet to achieve. With your continued support and belief in our cause, we're confident that the best is yet to come.

In closing, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each member of the GCP family. Whether you're a beneficiary, partner, donor, staff member, volunteer, or well-wisher, you play a vital role in our story. Together we can change lives.

With warm regards,

Angela M. Hogan

CEO, Gulf Coast Partnership

For more information about the Gulf Coast Partnership, visit www.gulfcoastpartnership.org and follow us on social media: Instagram @gulfcoastpartnership and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/GCPCOC


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